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Blog: Function Health Club Vancouver & Port Coquitlam CrossFit


Put Yourself In Your Client’s Shoes
Firsthand experience is one of the best teachers. And what better way to learn what works and what doesn't in a personal training session than experiencing it from the client's perspective? A lot of trainers think they're delivering a good session but if they were on the receiving end they might think twice. And I'm not just talking about exercise selection here. I'm talking about the whole session, everything from...
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The Benefits of Having A Workout Buddy
In my 14 years working as a personal trainer one of the largest barriers I see to people's success is a lack of motivation. Pretty much everyone these days understands the importance of exercise and physical activity for health, you'll be hard-pressed to find anyone who says otherwise, but even with this knowledge there are still people who can't light that fire under their butts to get off the couch....
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Grip Strength Predicts Death Risk Better Than Blood Pressure
Terms like blood pressure, cholesterol and heart rate are common when talking about health. We have been taught over and over again to measure the readings for these biometrics, and how important it is to keep those readings within "healthy" ranges. But what if biometrics are not the most important thing to consider when it comes to your health? Well this is exactly the case. Biometrics are an indirect way...
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Conor McGregor’s Secret Weapon: Ido Portal
Before reading this blog, take 3 minutes to watch this video: When Conor McGregor stepped into the ring last Saturday night and knocked out Jose Aldo in the featherweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), most people had never heard of Ido Portal. Ido Portal? What is that? Actually, the question is, who is that? Ido Portal can best be described as a master of movement. Check out this...
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5 Things to Keep You Active This Winter
We all know it's coming. Winter is just around the corner. The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer and the sun hasn't been seen for many days, at least here in Vancouver. At times it's enough to make you want to pack it all in and just hibernate until the spring comes again. But hibernation isn't the best answer when it comes to the winter, because too...
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How Do I Become A Personal Trainer in Vancouver?
Do you love working out? Do you have a desire to blend your passion for fitness with a job you love? Do you want to help other people? If you answered yes to all of those then being a personal trainer may be the right career choice for you! Few things are more fulfilling than guiding others toward the same type of lifestyle that has been so beneficial for you. And...
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