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Blog: Function Health Club Vancouver & Port Coquitlam CrossFit


4 Tests You Should Be Able to Pass Before You Start CrossFit
The CrossFit style of training is now very much mainstream. Lots of people are either doing it as we speak, or they have attempted it in the past, or they're thinking about doing it sometime in the future. But unfortunately many of these people lack the foundational strength, balance, coordination, flexibility and mobility to perform the workouts safely. CrossFit sometimes gets the reputation of injuring people, but it's not CrossFit...
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Client Success Story – Julien Stuart-Smith
Julien has been a personal training client with Function Health Club for a little over 6 months. About a year ago Julien suffered an ACL injury from skiing which required reconstructive surgery. Julien is an athlete through and through, she was even a member of the Canadian National Downhill Ski Team, and so you can imagine how tough this must have been on her psychologically to go from being able...
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Client Success Story – Les Fraser Part 2
On June 23, 2013 Function Health Club entered a team into the Tough Mudder. Our team was composed of Les Fraser, Karl Hillis, Gino Ferrato, Dan Ferrato and Jeff Doyle. What an amazing time we had and what an awesome event to be a part of! It was challenging yet rewarding. There were times of absolute adversity but in the end we had our victory. We challenged ourselves and came...
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Client Success Story – Les Fraser Part 1
                Les Fraser has been training at Function Health Club for the past year and a half. 5 years ago Les was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. With this diagnoses came a lot of different types of medication that Les has been taking since that time. However, recently Les received some amazing news. Thanks to his dedication to his training and lifestyle Les...
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