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Fitness Archives - Page 16 of 16 - Function Health Club
The New Buzzword You Should Know: Fit-Sedentary
If someone looks fit, wouldn't it be logical to assume they're also healthy? More and more we're realizing that this assumption isn't correct. Just like the old saying goes, you can't judge a book by its cover, well in this...
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‘Wild’ Foods are More Nutritious Than Domesticated Foods
We often get told that domesticating and genetically modifying our food makes it more nutritious. However, this theory is being turned on its head. Yes, domestication and genetic modification allows us to get larger yields of bigger fruits and vegetables,...
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Client Success Story – Les Fraser Part 2
On June 23, 2013 Function Health Club entered a team into the Tough Mudder. Our team was composed of Les Fraser, Karl Hillis, Gino Ferrato, Dan Ferrato and Jeff Doyle. What an amazing time we had and what an awesome...
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Client Success Story – Julien Stuart-Smith
Julien has been a personal training client with Function Health Club for a little over 6 months. About a year ago Julien suffered an ACL injury from skiing which required reconstructive surgery. Julien is an athlete through and through, she...
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Client Success Story – Les Fraser Part 1
                Les Fraser has been training at Function Health Club for the past year and a half. 5 years ago Les was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. With this diagnoses came a lot...
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