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How to Lighten up the Holidays - Function Health Club

How to Lighten up the Holidays

It’s that time of year again! Starbucks has started celebrating with its eggnog lattes and cranberry bliss bars. This doesn’t mean that you have to too! Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the holiday’s! What I don’t like though is that feeling you get around Dec 28th or so when you can barely button up your pants and the arms of your shirts start to feel unusually tight!

How can you avoid this post Christmas regret?

Prioritize. Plan. Pretend.

  1. Prioritize

There are so many things to enjoy over the holiday season. Do you really need to have all of them?

  • Make a list of all the “treat foods” you typically come across at holiday events.
  • Circle your top 5 favourites and then stick to those in moderation. For example, if you like savory foods, indulge in some brie and crackers, but don’t bother with having rum balls or peppermint mochas.
  • Look for healthier options for treats, appetizers and meals! MealsAWeight has some tasty protein balls that fill that sweet tooth!
  1. Plan

Always plan ahead. Are you going to a work party at 8pm or a Saturday afternoon shopping excursion and lunch with your sister?

  • Anticipate the food options you may have (or lack thereof) and eat before hand. I find that having a protein shake or a small handful of nuts or ½ chicken breast helps to be set up for making better food choices later in the day. It also helps in circumstances where there are no good choices and you need to wait until you get back home!
  • If you find yourself really busy and small snacks don’t cut it, consider getting some help from a meal prep company! There are many great local options in our area!
  • Snacks in your purse (or your pocket guys!) also work! A small bag of raw almonds is my ‘go to’ choice.
  1. Pretend

Yup, lie. I said it.

  • “I have an allergy to FILL IN THE BLANK.”
  • “I had a really late lunch.”
  • “My stomach is upset.”
  • “My naturopath said I need to avoid these foods until after our next session.”
  • ”I just ate.”
  • “Last time I had that, I didn’t feel well.”

These are just some things I’ve used in the past. It’s hard enough to say no to things that may tempt you, but you know you don’t really need.

Having someone harrass or try and guilt you into sabotaging your goals is unfortunately NOT uncommon. There will always be the one friend who essentially says to you “Eat this too so that I don’t have to feel so bad about my choices.”

So, as I said before, PRETEND. It’s your best defense!