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7 Functional Fitness Movements | Function Health Club Vancouver

The 7 Functional Movements of Fitness

On today’s blog we are going to discuss the 7 functional fitness movements that are essential in everyday life, which are the squat, lunge, push, pull, hinge, twist, and walking. These movements are what we utilize for normal day to day tasks, such as grabbing a box from the shelf, bending over to pick up something from the ground, even opening or closing a cabinet. In this article we are going to describe how each movement is performed, but as always, to maximize the potential of these movements, please don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more on how to properly perform these exercises. 

1. Squatting: squatting is a movement pattern that is used for many activities, such as picking something up from the floor or sitting down. To squat correctly, you should keep your back straight, chest up, and with your feet about shoulder-width apart and knees tracking the toes, sit your hips back and lower yourself down as low as you can while maintaining the position then rising back up, keeping the body aligned until you return to a standing position.

2. Lunging: lunging is another movement pattern that is used for many activities. To lunge correctly, you should step forward with one foot and lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground. A good rule of thumb is to keep your back straight and your chest up

3. Pushing: pushing is a functional fitness movement that is used for activities such as Moving objects across the floor. To push correctly, you should keep your back straight, your chest up, and your head and shoulders in line and slightly forward from your hips, while keeping your arms bent and in close to your body, or elbows locked out and arms extended out in front of you, this is to avoid any injuries to your arms. (specifically wrists, elbows and shoulder joints) 

4. Pulling: pulling is a movement pattern that is used for activities such as pulling a door open or pulling any object towards you. To properly pull, you should keep your back straight, your chest up, and your head and shoulders in line with your hips keeping your arms at your sides, reaching forward then pulling the object towards you until your arms return to the original position.

5. Hinging: Hinging is a movement pattern that is used for activities such as bending down to pick something up or reaching for something on a high shelf. To hinge correctly, you should keep your back straight, your chest up, and your head and shoulders in line with your hips. Usually, this movement is performed in a deadlift exercise. 

6. Twisting: Twisting is a movement pattern that is used for everyday activities such as turning the doorknob or opening a jar. To twist correctly during a functional fitness exercise, you should keep your back straight and twist at your waist, making it one smooth motion rotating the upper torso in one fluid action.

7. Walking: Walking is a movement pattern that we use every day. To walk correctly, you should keep your back straight, your chest up, and your head and shoulders in line with your hips. Take short steps and push off with the heel of your foot to move forward

These 7 movements are the functional fitness movements that can be applied to everyday life and our day-to-day activities. By properly training using these movements as the foundation of your workout routine, you’ll see an increase in mobility, and a decrease in stress on the body as you go about your day. As always, the best way to properly learn these movements is to learn from an expert. With Function Health Club, you are able to book a free consult with one of our coaches to level up your fitness. Visit our website or follow us on Instagram and Facebook to learn more.