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What does health mean to you? The answer to this question changes as we age. Health in our late teens and twenties typically means looking good and/or achieving in sports. As we get closer to 30, our goals start to...
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How to Lighten up the Holidays
It’s that time of year again! Starbucks has started celebrating with its eggnog lattes and cranberry bliss bars. This doesn’t mean that you have to too! Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the holiday’s! What I don’t like though is that...
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CO2 Monitors keep Gyms Safe
Benefits of CO2/COVID Monitors in The Gym
The monitoring of the indoor climate of a gym can play a fundamental role in the protection of our health and potential COVID-19 transmission. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) monitors are a great metric that informs us how frequently the air in...
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Personal Training in Vancouver
Are You Training for Performance or General Health?
Training for Performance or General Health? We all start off our fitness journey with some type of main goal in mind, whether this is to lose weight, gain muscle, or to lead a more active lifestyle. Our decisions to start...
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Caroline Mundell
Your Lifeline to Best Health Practices
Your gym is your community, your support system, your place to go to get away from the stress in your life and work on your own personal health! It is the place you reached out to when you needed guidance,...
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Competing in Bodybuilding
Thoughts on Competing in Bodybuilding
The team here at Function are all very proud of Andrew, one of our amazing Personal Trainers, who recently competed in his second bodybuilding competition! Read below for his story on preparation, training and show day! The decision to compete...
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