Summer has come to us early this year. Although sometimes it doesn’t stick around consistently in Vancouver, we want to stay energized to take advantage of every second. Back in January we talked 2016 resolutions and then yesterday followed that up with a Summer Fitness Check In. For part two of our Summer Fitness series below Caroline Mundell, Certified Sport Nutrition Advisor has 5 simple steps to keep you hydrated and properly fuelled to support your bodies needs this summer.
Probiotics and Fish Oils
The body can’t do much with nutrients it can’t absorb. Yes, you can get probiotics from yogurt and fish oils from fish, but the bottom line is that supplement form is the best way to replenish depleted healthy bacteria and heal the gut lining. Take these as directed on the bottle and you should start to notice your energy go up simply from being able to absorb more nutrients.
Water Quality
All water isn’t equal. I don’t normally promote specific products, but I can tell you that Kangen Water is phenominal. Since I started drinking Kangen water*, my workout recovery time has decreased and I even noticed a decrease in food cravings! How does this affect your energy levels? Hydrated cells absorb nutrients more effectively and Kangan water has the added bonus of being high in antioxidants.
Protein Intake
Protein is the cornerstone of human structure. It should be eaten throughout the day to avoid fatigue, weakness and depression. Chicken, turkey, seafood and lean wild game are good protein choices. If you are struggling to find time to prepare protein options, quick shakes are a great substitute.
Outdoor Activity Nutrition
Hiking, biking and beach volleyball! You’d be amazed at how many calories you burn off just by being active outside. Having smart food options for after a big hike or while you are lying on the beach after a volley ball match, will make the difference between staying lean and strong, instead of tired and slightly over weight. A protein, fat, light carb combination works best. Try a green apple with almond butter, or a chicken breast with 1/2 cup guacamole and salsa.
Meal timing
Eat when you aren’t hungry. This may sound weird, but so many of us don’t eat much when it’s hot and then the sun goes down and we are starving! I recommend eating small mini meals when it’s hot outside. For example, have a snack at 10am, 12pm, 2pm and 4pm. These snacks could be a handful of raw nuts, a protein bar, a small salad with ½ chicken breast, veggies and yogurt dip or a protein shake. Do you have a fitness or nutrition topic that you would like to see next? Sound off in the comment section below! ~ Caroline Mundell, Function Health Club Co-Owner, Certified Sport Nutrition Advisor *For more information about Kangen Water, email Caroline directly at